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Re: Power Brake Boosters

Subject: Re: Power Brake Boosters
From: (Roger Bolick)
Date: Sun, 6 Dec 92 17:31:46 CST
Why don't you sell the "major" Power Brake Booster Kit for TR6, etc?

If there are still new ones being constructed, then it follows
that the diaphram is available and I believe the "minor" kit
only differs from the "major" kit by this one part.  I know
this diaphram is available due to having one rebuilt locally.

While we are talking new products, I suggested twice in writing
that you sell "original" TR6 keys.  There are several methods of
providing the information including, sending in a key set, sending
the lock numbers, or using the car's original serial number
as the basis.  The 3rd method wouldn't work if the locks had
been changed, but normally only one door is wrecked at a time and
the old lock cylinder is used, so this may not be a problem, in
fact I'd want to re-key the locks to match the keys, so add new
locks in the same catalog section.

How about a service to provide the original number information?
I can request this from the U.K., but its $40/car and a 1 month
process.  What I need is a book or method to call TRF on the
spot while looking at a car to receive this information.
Information includes VIN number/body number/interior&exterior
number, options, wheel type, top and boot color, key numbers.
Depending on cost, this might be something clubs might buy.

Roger Bolick


If this information was available on-line then we could query
this via your ISDN direct order connection.  This is the one
which shows exploded views of the car along with part numbers,
cost, availability, and suggested companion parts.  Along with
the technical suggestions are hints for that particular part's
installation and a section for user's experiences.  Several of us
have been using this test system with great success, the 30%
wholesale discount is especially great.  The section which allows
me to maintain a master list of parts needed, but not ordered yet
is also good as it allows TRF to inventory these parts based on
actual data, and provides TRF with a better idea of the market
for new parts.

Of course finding the part number in one catalog, finding the
price in another, copying it to a "special" order sheet, fax'ing
this to TRF, having someone read this and enter it into your system 
and calling me for corrections is likely "better"...

Of course I haven't used this "better" system in some time, I now
insert 4 more steps:  fax the sheet to a dealer where it is re-typed onto
yet another "dealer" order sheet, mailed to TRF, then after the
parts are entered, I must send a check for the ones in stock, cancel
the others and go pick up the parts when they arrive...  all this for
a 25% discount, the other 5% going to the dealer to handle this awkward

Let's see, if I give network people a 25% discount, provide the enhanced
service for free, receive a 40% discount from TRF for $1 million/year in
business with no internal overhead, I should be able to keep the computers,
T1 lines, ISDN links, etc. running for the $150k/yr. margin...

It will be on-line April 1, 1993.


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