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Re: LBC models

Subject: Re: LBC models
From: rush@mnementh.Metaphor.COM (Ed Rush)
Date: Thu, 26 Nov 92 13:22:43 PST
Lee M. Daniels writes:
> ...  So how about models of other LBC's?  Has anyone seen a 
>source?  There seem to be plenty of Ferraris, Lambos, muscle-cars, snakes, 
>etc., but I haven't seen many brit-cars other than for the E-type.  ... 

I bought a rather nice TR3A model at the Palo Alto show in September.
I don't remember the dealer's name.  If you like, I'll see if the box 
has a manufacturer's address.
  | Ed Rush, not speaking for Metaphor, Mtn. View, CA  |
  |  UUCP: [...!{apple|decwrl}!]metaphor!rush          |
  |  Internet:                       |
  | My Macintosh doesn't go out in the rain.           |

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  • LBC models, Larry E. Snyder 314-694-3626
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