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Re: e-mail list

Subject: Re: e-mail list
From: southern@sage.cgd.ucar.EDU (Lawrence Buja)
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 92 9:22:17 MST
}It seems like we have had a lot of people join the list lately.  How
}many people are now on the list?  How many states and how many countries?
}Don Mathis

It sounds like it's time for another compilation of the who's who of
british-cars.  It's been a year and a half since the last one.  Rob
Pryor did such a good job putting this together last time that I
nominate him for the honor again.  Maybe this time we should include
state/country info too.  Some of these e-mail address can get damn

/\      Lawrence Buja           Climate and Global Dynamics Division
  \_][  National Center for Atmospheric Research

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