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Battling Shipwrights disease

To: southern@sage.cgd.ucar.EDU
Subject: Battling Shipwrights disease
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 92 11:30:25 EST
Saw your post on the British car mailing list.  Just curious, what model
Daimler is it?  My parents had an SP250 when I was a little kid, and your
description could describe the 2.5 v-8.  I've had fairly good luck
clear coating parts with an acrylic spray, but this might not work on
valve covers due to the heat (I did an alternator and some brackets). 
So far, it has made things very easy to clean off, and you really
can't tell that it's just real clean.  Use the matte finish.  I think
Eastwood has some paint coating that's supposed to like like clean
aluminum, but I have no idea how good it looks or holds up.

Have fun!

Well weathered leather, hot metal and oil, the scented country air.
Sunlight on chrome, the blur of the landscape, every nerve aware!
                                Rush, The Red Barchetta
Bryan Blackwell;; (703) 883 7329. Usual disclaimers apply

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