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Oil pressure in MGB

Subject: Oil pressure in MGB
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 92 10:14:23 EST
|Date: 11-12-92  10:13am
|From: Dean Zywicki:dcrt:nih
|  To: {}:INTERNET
|Subj: Oil pressure in MGB
   The oil pressure in my B is a little on the low side for me.  So,
since I can't do a real rebuild right now, I decided to change the main
and rod bearings.  I finished the rods and haven't started the mains
yet.  The rod bearings were worn, with only one having very slight
scoring.  I was planning on just doing the three middle sets and not
worry about the two end sets.  I know this isn't the right way to do
this. But, I rented a video, "The half-assed approach to increased oil
pressure" and it said it was ok.  I'm just trying to get about a year
out of the engine before I rebuild it.
    Last night, while brewing and drinking homebrew with Scott Paisley
and Paul Gilders, I was asking if the mains or the rod bearing would be
more responsible for low oil pressure.  None of us knew, so I'm asking
the list.


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