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Re: logo and metal questions

Subject: Re: logo and metal questions
From: Paul Thompson <>
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 1992 10:13:04 GMT
        Morris cars were called Morris Oxfords and Morris Cowleys.  I always 
        Cowley was a town (I can't find it on my Roadmap of Britain) and I know
        there was a Cowley factory.  But perhaps "cowley" is a play on the word 
        "oxford"?  "Cow"-"ley".  Ley; isn't that a meadow or pasture?

Cowley is a district of Oxford. There has been a car factory in Cowley ever
since Morris started up. I grew up in Oxford and at that time it was a British
Leyland plant. It now belongs to Rover but I'm not sure if there is any
production there any more.

If you ever get to Oxford there are some interesting tours of the old Morris
garages and some good stuff in the local museums.

Nice theory about "Cow" - "Ley" you could be right.


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