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Ballad of Gilligan's Drive

Subject: Ballad of Gilligan's Drive
From: (Larry E. Snyder 314-694-3626)
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 92 13:43:20 -0600
Please read this to the tune of "Gilligan's Island" (and don't forget the 
ascending chord changes....) If I left anyone out, it was purely poetic l
license. Also, I WILL put together a prose report soon. Honest.

Sit right back and you'll hear a tale,
A tale of a fateful drive,
What started out to take two days,
And took almost five,
And took almost five...

He flew to Portland, Oregon,
To buy a British car,
He didn't think it'd be too bad,
To drive it home so far,
To drive it home so far...

(appropriate sounds of thunder and grinding gears)

The rear end started getting rough,
It howled and screamed and wailed,
And somewhere in the Big Sky State,
The differential failed,
The differential failed...

An angel straight from S-O-L,
Dragged him to his garage,
Where he found out what a diff can weigh,
When you get it to dislodge,
When you get it to dislodge...

Now he wants to thank those folks,
Who got him home alive...
There's R-K-G,
And M-J-B,
There's Ron Hood,
And their wives,
And Lawrence B,
And the rest
Who helped this bozo's drive!


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