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Subject: Thanx
From: "S.K. Whiteman" <WHITEMAN%IPFWVM.bitnet@UICVM.UIC.EDU>
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 92 14:23:08 EST
>From: sequent!islabs!ateq!rkg@uunet.UU.NET (Richard George x 7247)
>I've been looking for a copy of that book for years!!!  (I saw one in a used
>book store a number of years ago, and have regretted not buying it ever

         One I've been looking for is The Modern Sports Car by Tom McHale (sp?)

> The March 1991 copy of Supercar & classics has a good article
> on the Arnolt-Bristols, "Wacky's Racers".  This edition has an

         Thanks for the reference; could you provide the Vol, No, and Page
         number. I'll try through inter-library loan. One of the perks
         of being staff...:-)

>From: (Timothy J. Drabik)
>Sam, you have a photocopy of "Racing and Sports Car Chassis Design," by Costin
>and Phipps, a true classic of race car design.  Costin is the "Cos" part
>of "Cosworth."  It is one of my favorites on the topic, and reads very
>smoothly.  Chapter 9 does a great job of portraying the big picture of

         Thanks, another age old mystery bites the dust. :-) I've often
         thought of putting the information to work in a constructive way
         ;-). Let me see its 4130, I got the torch, band saw, a 2 Liter
         German Ford (1972 Capri) power train. mmmm. Not a Lister-Jaguar; but...
         Use'ta be an aircraft mechanic ya' know; USAF '66-70. Happy Vets day.

You know you're getting old when you recognize 30 year Road and Track cover.
        \       /___________________          Sam  ex 424X1
         \_____/                   |          IBM Systems Programmer
Chicago/ |                     *   |  O       Indiana University -
    I    |               Ft. Wayne |  H       Purdue University at Fort Wayne
    L    |               1794-1994 |          Fort Wayne, Indiana USA

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  • Thanx, S.K. Whiteman <=