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Re: Book question

Subject: Re: Book question
From: (Timothy J. Drabik)
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 92 18:18:07 EST
Sam Whiteman queries regarding a book:

>          Here's one for the bibliophiles on the list:
>          Some years ago, 1972 I think, I had opportunity to help a
>          friend move from Ft. Wayne. During the packing of his library
>          I found an interesting volume on sports car engineering. Not
>          having enough time to read it I ask if I could make a photocopy
>          of the entire book, all 147 pages. No flames needed about
>          copyrights, please; it was for academic purposes only.;) At
>          any rate, I made the copy and returned the book, my friend
>          left town and we haven't seen one another since. The only
>          problem is that I didn't copy the title page, I have no idea
>          of the title or author. I hope that someone would recognize
>          the table of contents:
>          Chapter
>             1    THE PURPOSE OF THE CHASSIS
>                  Chassis History - Suspension History
>                       .
>                       . (Stuff deleted)
>             9    DESIGNING A MOTOR CAR

>          APPENDICES
>             1       Chassis Stress Calculations
>             2       Materials
>             3       Suspension Calculations
>          This is a typical British text book type manual with good photographs
>          and pen and ink drawings. The calculations section leaves nothing to
>          the imagination. Anything look familiar to anyone?????????
>         \       /___________________          Sam
>          \_____/                   |          IBM Systems Programmer
> Chicago/ |                     *   |  O       Indiana University -
>     I    |               Ft. Wayne |  H       Purdue University at Fort Wayne
>     L    |               1794-1994 |          Fort Wayne, Indiana USA

Sam, you have a photocopy of "Racing and Sports Car Chassis Design," by Costin
and Phipps, a true classic of race car design.  Costin is the "Cos" part
of "Cosworth."  It is one of my favorites on the topic, and reads very
smoothly.  Chapter 9 does a great job of portraying the big picture of

The publisher is Robert Bentley; someone else is bound to know what city
they're in.  They publish many motorsports books.


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