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Re: Hello and 2 questions

To:, jpe1@PL122f.EECS.Lehigh.EDU
Subject: Re: Hello and 2 questions
From: Teriann J. Wakeman <>
Date: Thu, 5 Nov 92 09:26:59 -0800
I believe the prisnor was tooling about in a Lotus 7.  You can purchase new
kits these days & at least one person on the list has done so.

One thing that might stop you from purchasing a Spit is if you are tall.
Spits, and GT6s are not the best for tall people.  However my height 
disadvantaged friends tell me they are comfey for the short set :*)  :*)  :*)

For $3.7K you can get yourself into a driver TR4.  The Spit had better be in
VERY good condition for that amount of $$$. You can get a nice MGB for
about $2.5K or less.

Good luck with whatever you decide to purchase.


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