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RE: Berkeley B

Subject: RE: Berkeley B
From: "Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521" <>
Date: Tue, 3 Nov 92 10:33:17 PST
Larry Snyder asks;

This summer at the British Car Show I saw a really neat little car that
looked like a miniaturized Cobra. The one that was there was sitting out
in the used parts area, and I figured it was for sale, but didn't ask,
since I might have done something stupid...

It was a Berkeley B, was RHD and appeared to have a very unique drive train.
What do you folks out there on the net know about this beastie? Should I
have at least *asked* what they wanted for it?

     >>Well at least I know a little more about these than I
     do Arnolt-Bristols. Berkeley (pronounced "Barkly" I'm
     told) used inline 2 and later 3 cylinder (Excelsior ?)
     motorcycle engines powering the front wheels via chain
     drive. I believe the original versions were three
     -wheeled, (one in the back), and then when they went to
     the 3 cylinder engine, added a fourth wheel (for
     stability,  no doubt). Kerb weight about 700-800 lbs,
     and utilising a glassfibre body. Very cool looking
     headers on the three coming out of the grille & under
     the car.
           Can you tell I'm parttial to these ? Must be
     because it's one of the few cars I find cute and smaller 
     than the Sprite. (Including *cute* to purposely omit
     Crosely Hotshots ..... :-)


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  • Berkeley B, Larry E. Snyder 314-694-3626
    • Re: Berkeley B, Philip J Ethier
    • RE: Berkeley B, Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521 <=