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Re: E type or XKE? (the definitive answer?)

Subject: Re: E type or XKE? (the definitive answer?)
From: "Andrew C. Green" <>
Date: Mon, 02 Nov 1992 11:11:51 CST
  ( writes:
> In the program there were snippets of the original US advertising campaigns 
> (this is what we were led to believe), in colour, where the expression XKE 
> was used instead of E-type. Also the US voice over said Jag-waar rather than
> Jag-u-r. The cars in the adverts had the perspex (?) headlight covers 
> (mark1?). Obviously all the UK people said E-type.

Hmmm. Methinks maybe if I reply to this message I will stop receiving multiple
copies of it for unknown reasons.  :-)

I recently picked up at a garage sale a copy of the Visitor's Guide to the
1969 Chicago Auto Show. This is that huge program book, 95% advertising, which
they always sell at the front door for a ridiculous amount of money which no
one ever buys. Someone did buy this one, and 23 years later I bought it from
them for a buck. What a find. It has huge adverts for every marque sold in
the U.S. (yes, fans, even the Austin America gets a whole page), and some of
the _really_ obscure ones such as Simca probably blew their whole annual bud-
get to get into that book. I'll try to dig it out this evening and see how
Jaguar was marketing the E-type to the Americans in 1969.

Andrew C. Green
Datalogics, Inc.      Internet:
441 W. Huron          UUCP: ..!uunet!dlogics!acg
Chicago, IL  60610    FAX: (312) 266-4473

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