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Re: Fresh-air in an XJ6 (III)

Subject: Re: Fresh-air in an XJ6 (III)
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 92 08:50:49 pst
> Date: Thu, 29 Oct 92 11:05:36 WST
> From: (Scott Fisher)
> To:
> Subject: Fresh-air in an XJ6 (III)
> fuel economy I have :-)  Note, before anyone freaks, I do run my air-con
> for at least 10 minutes a week and will use it when the weather gets hot...
> it's just that at the moment you need it on almost all the time unless it's
> real cold outside...rare in Australia :-)

Scott, sorry I haven't been paying close attention to your Jag saga, and
not being too familiar with "newer" Jags I don't know what range of
years a Mk III falls into; but if it's of fairly recent vintage (say at
least mid 80's) then running the A/C a few minutes a week to keep the
seals from drying out probably isn't necessary.  In fact, the A/C is
probably on a good part of the time.  On newer cars the A/C is part of
the climate control system and is used to de-humidify the air inside the
car.  This keeps the windows from fogging over, even in the winter.  I
have an '87 Chevrolet Astro van and, as far as I can tell, there is no
off mode for the A/C.  It seems to be on almost all the time.  The same
thing is true for my Japanese econobox, though at least it does have an
on/off switch for the A/C.

It's easy enough to tell if the A/C is on, just listen for or note the
feel of the compressor cycling on an off.


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