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Re: MGB Saga, more thoughts

To: (Robert Jones),
Subject: Re: MGB Saga, more thoughts
From: (Roger Garnett)
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1992 10:14:37 -0500
Robert Jones scribed:
 Subject: MGB Saga > And the misery continues.

(Bob get's the Goodies headache award of the year. Tried almost
everything, engine still runs like a Fiat...)

> I noticed coolant coming out the side of the engine where the head meets
> the block.

> -miss under acceleration and backfire under decceleration.  
> -rust on the walls of cylinders 3 & 4 where it looked like water had

Magna-fluxing should have identified any head problems here. The head
warpage was borderline, and was good to fix. Some more things- you can
usually see on the old gasket where stuff is leaking past. Did you check
the top of the block for flat? sometimes, you need to remove the head studs,
and file/ slightly counter sink the stud holes, as some material tends to
get pulled up, and can keep the head from seating.

> Same old problem, missing on acceleration.

Still backfiring?

> Back into the garage and I messed with the timing some to no avail, the #4
> cylinder does not seem to be firing.

How are your new plugs, have they gotten fouled? Does # 4 have spark?

> I haven't done a compression test yet

do it.

> What would coolant in the oil look like?

light brown gooey froth

> Any other ideas?

Has anyone suggested CAM??? I think you may have already checked the
cam timing, (if not, do so!) If you've got worn or sheared cam lobes,
you could get some of these problems. That would keep your valves
from opening enough. Now that you're so good at setting the valves,
it's time to go a bit further. You'll need to borrow a dial guage
& stand. Turn the engine over and measure at the rocker arm/pushrod,
from full down, to full lift. All exhaust & all intakes should be the
same as each other, and may even all be the same. 

Isn't it amazing how much more you learn about things when they 
don't work right? That's part of what makes LBC's so addictive!

  /___  _  \        Roger Garnett              (
 /|   ||  \ \       Agricultural Economics   | "The South Lansing Centre 
| |___||  _  |      3 Warren Hall            |  For Wayward Sports Cars"
| | \  |   | |      Cornell University       | (Lansing, NY)
 \|  \ |__/ /       Ithaca, N.Y. 14853-7801  | (607) 533-7735
  \________/        (607) 255-2522           | Safety Fast!

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