>It can be hard for Americans to grasp how really (deep breath...) oooooold
>some pubs, and buildings in general, are in England. My brother's room at
>Cambridge University appears in a drawing from the 1600's. Grandma's house
>was built in 1640. The pub I worked at in Cambridge dated from 15<mumble>
>at best guess. The doorways were maybe 5 1/2 feet high at best. Despite the
>age, the building was solid as a rock and featured only one ghost, a grey-
>haired man who'd appear in the lounge usually after closing time and surprise
>the cleanup people. Oh, and there was that light in the attic that kept
>switching itself back on. O.K., Enough digression, back to cars now... :-)
Did this pub have *Lucas* wiring by any chance? :)
Mark Steph | you can twist perceptions | reality won't budge
(yes, .se *is* in Texas)| you can raise objections
PO Box 833875, MS L-05 | I will be the judge -- and the jury
Richardson, TX 75083 | -Neil Peart, "Show Don't Tell"