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Re: TR4 back on the road

Subject: Re: TR4 back on the road
From: "Andrew C. Green" <>
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1992 16:26:14 CDT
  ( writes:
> ->I'm envious.  There's something about a British country pub that is not
> ->duplicated here -- even aside from the quality of beer.
> ->
>       It's history my friend. The pub I used to drink in when I lived
> in the UK was built in 1611. And it's been a pub ever since.

It can be hard for Americans to grasp how really (deep breath...) oooooold
some pubs, and buildings in general, are in England. My brother's room at
Cambridge University appears in a drawing from the 1600's. Grandma's house
was built in 1640. The pub I worked at in Cambridge dated from 15<mumble> 
at best guess. The doorways were maybe 5 1/2 feet high at best. Despite the
age, the building was solid as a rock and featured only one ghost, a grey-
haired man who'd appear in the lounge usually after closing time and surprise
the cleanup people. Oh, and there was that light in the attic that kept
switching itself back on. O.K., Enough digression, back to cars now... :-)

-- Andy

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