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RE: Judson Supercharger

Subject: RE: Judson Supercharger
From: "Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521" <>
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 92 13:28:27 PDT
I wrote>

>a Judson blower for an A-Series motor.

>I figure to get about 2 city
>blocks out of my existing driveline components before I
>find out which one's the weak link ;-)

And Phil replied >>No contest.  Halfshafts.
     >Hmmm. I figured either that wimpy little crank or the
     1st gear that already howls .....

>>But the bigger question is:  Did you build the ENGINE to take it.  You can't
>>hurt the bottom end of a normally aspirated Spridget with stock size valves.
>>But with a supercharger...

     >Nahhhh. I figure I've gotten the goody out of a $200 
     engine I've done 4 La Carreras' with ! Toss on the
     blower with an underdrive pulley, make sure it gets
     enough oil & DRIVE ! 
          The Clymer manual I was reading last night goes 
     thru the installation on a completely stock 948. Hp 
     goes from 43 to 61, and the 0-60 times drop from 21 
     sec. to 12 ! Curious to see what it'll do to a 1275. 
     And if it blows, so what, I've got 2 948s just waiting 
     to be rebuilt.I will wait to put it on however, until 
     after the Sprite-Mini Challenge is over. Despite it
     being a period mod, I'm not quite sure what they'd
     think of it.


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  • Judson Supercharger, Philip J Ethier
    • RE: Judson Supercharger, Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521 <=