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Araldite/cable ties

Subject: Araldite/cable ties
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 92 10:39 EDT
 > m'snake but look like they will fit.  One thing about this kit I don't
 > care for is the chintzy set of plastic cable ties that are supposed to
 > secure the boots to the steering linkage.  I'm going to stick with the
 > clamps that are on the old boots.  Interestingly, I spotted a set of

Cable ties are almost indestructable, flexible (to a point) and do not
suffer from corrosion. I put cable ties on my steering rack boot and
on the rubber cups on tube shocks. 5 years later, those cable ties are
still in their installed location.

 > OK, then, that means that the answer to the original question
 > "what's a good solvent for Araldite" is:  There ain't any, since

I have found that vibration usually breaks the bond, when using exopies.
5 minute epoxy is more brittle than 1 hour expoxy which is more brittle
tha 24 hour epoxy. If you can, try tapping the epoxy bond with a light
hammer, or use a nail directly on the epoxy. You may find that the epoxy
will shatter.

Found an excellent paint stripper last night, completely by accident !!!!.
I had removed the eng/gbox from the Midget on Sun. and I decided to try 
and clean as much of the engine bay/gearbox tunnel as possible. Got out the
parafin and cleaned most of it off, but could not get into some of the
crevices in the gbox tunnel. So I had a can of carb cleaner handy, and blew out
the dirt with it. Next I dried it with a cloth and the top layer of paint
came off, everywhere that I had used the carb cleaner.

I will be in Phoenix/Mesa from Sept 30 - Oct 3, is there any thing involving
Brit cars going on in the area ? Is there anything happening at the 
Speedway ?


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