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Re: Parts cars for sale in Oregon

Subject: Re: Parts cars for sale in Oregon
From: (John Lye)
Date: Mon, 24 Aug 92 16:34:17 CDT
acg sez:

->               have you considered renting a truck and just sticking
->the car inside? Seems to me that it should fit inside an average U-Haul
->truck if you can devise a way to get it up the ramps.

Don't do it!  

At least, not like this.  I have a freind who used to be the shop
foreman at Scotland Yard (now defunct).  Anyway, they had someone bring
them what used to be a really nice big Healey that had been transported
like this.  What happened is that whenever the truck went over a bump,
the car hopped a bit inside the truck.  Over the course of the drive,
it managed to walk its way around the inside of the truck, damaging
or destroying *every* body panel that could conceivably contact the
inside of the truck.


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