Subject: Rochdales Again
> Joh writes :
> > Yeah, the (Rochdale) GT was sold as a body to fit onto Ford Popular
> > chassis. This particular car was in the process of being grafted onto a
> > TR-3 chassis, which ought to be interesting.
> The Rochdale Olympic Phase I and Phase II did NOT have a chassis. I
Right, but this is a Rochdale GT, which came before. The (breif)
reference I have says it had a tube frame. Still not a Ford, but closer
than a monocoque.
/___ _ \ Roger Garnett (
/| || \ \ Agricultural Economics | "The South Lansing Centre
| |___|| _ | 3 Warren Hall | For Wayward Sports Cars"
| | \ | | | Cornell University | (Lansing, NY)
\| \ |__/ / Ithaca, N.Y. 14853-7801 | (607) 533-7735
\________/ (607) 255-2522 | Safety Fast!