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Re: Redcar progress, nitpicks

Subject: Re: Redcar progress, nitpicks
From: Keys to the Highway <>
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 92 13:12:10 PDT
   re: small horns in small cars

   I remember a few years back, some legislator in <mumble> state had brought
 up a law he wanted passed that would have required horns in autos to be in
 proportion to the size of the vehicle.  ie: nasal squawk for LBCS, and ship
 style for land yachts.  What or why he had this in mind I haven't a clue,
 but as far as I know it was promptly shot down.

   A Renault that I used to have (the 10 Daren!) had such a wimpy horn that
 when you were actually driving and honked it, you couldn't hear it inside
 the car- let alone someone in a big Umherican cruiser hear it...

Greg "summer without my spitfire may as well be winter" Tobin

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