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SU carbs

Subject: SU carbs
From: (James Fuerstenberg)
Date: Wed Jun 17 09:15:23 1992
RE: SUs and dampers

what Roger says is correct for street cars.  You will get smoother throttle
response if you oil the dampers.  Synthetic oil gives a more consistent
response in extremes of hot or cold.

BTW my dampers are completely gutted, the top of my SUs have a screw in cap
with a short rod at the end.  My carbs are also through bored to remove
the bridge and increase airfolw, the butterfly is knife edged and the 
throttle shaft is thinned.  the piston has a smoother leading edge and 
in general the airflow surfaces of everything have been smoothed.  It also
uses the short velocity stacks from winner's circle.

jim fuerstenberg                

                        186,000 miles per second, it's not just a good idea
                        it's the law!

The opinions stated herein are solely my own and not those of my employer.

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