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Re: Mirror

Subject: Re: Mirror
From: Clay Robinson <>
Date: Wed, 3 Jun 92 13:19:29 EDT
From: crobinso
Full-Name: Clay Robinson@program support
Subject: North American Daimler Lanchester Convention
Bcc: crobinso

From:  Clay Robinson

The North American Daimler and Lanchester annual convention will be
held at the Dearborn Inn in Dearborn, Mich  July 31 thru August 2.
Reservations should be made to Linda Simmonds:  135 Kenner Crescent:
Stratford, Ontario:  Canada N5A 7H2.  Her telephone is (519)271-3251.

I went to a similar club function in New Jersey in 1990 and was surprised
to see more than two SP-250s in the same location. There were also some         
other fun and interesting Daimlers there such as a Dauphine.               
If you have questions you can also call me in Virginia at (703)644-0419.

Are there any Daimler or Lanchester owners out there in network land
anyway?  I currently own two SP-250s (also known as a Dart) and seldom
get to chat with other owners.

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