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Update - Vintage Fall Festival @ LRP

Subject: Update - Vintage Fall Festival @ LRP
Date: Wed, 3 Jun 1992 11:04 EDT
I've done some preliminary contact with the folks at LRP regarding
a SOL group at the vintage festival. Here's what I have so far...

If we have 25 or more tickets purchased, there is a 5% discount per

Tickets for Monday are $15.00 and include access to the grounds, parking,
as well as the paddock. There is a great autojumble on the grounds for
those of you who are looking for LBC parts and paraphenalia (sp?)

Also I am still working on a "SOL paddock" area, and the possibilities
look good.

If you are interested, let me know. If you have ideas,free Midget 1500
parts, etc, drop me a line.

Ric Golen

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