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Re: peddle, pedal, petal

To: muller@Alliant.COM (Jim Muller)
Subject: Re: peddle, pedal, petal
From: pwcs.StPaul.GOV!phile@medtron.medtronic.COM (Philip J Ethier)
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 92 16:26:38 CDT
Jim Muller writes>

>No, no, no!  Us 60's flower-children are more concerned with petals.
>You know, VW buses and stuff.

One example I have seen of this was back in the old days.  One of 
the local autocrossers ran an Opel GT with a flowered vinyl top.  The door
tops were not vinyl, so the orange body color arched up into the top.

Damned odd-looking, even for an Opel!

By the way, got any Lotus petals?

Phil Ethier, THE RIGHT LINE, 672 Orleans Street, Saint Paul, MN  55107-2676
h (612) 224-3105
w (612) 298-5324  (list goes here)
"The workingman's GT-40" - Anthony Colin Bruce Chapman

Login name: phile                       In real life: Philip J Ethier
Phone: 298-5324

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