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misc. replies

To: british-cars@hoosier
Subject: misc. replies
From: William Hartwell Woodruff <>
Date: Wed, 15 Apr 92 11:33:11 -0400
        A couple of things.  First, i'm sorry if I haven't replied to many of 
questions sent my way recently.  It seems I have to work every now and then.

        1)  I tried to put a spit 1500 gear box on a mk IV engine and ran into
problems.  I ended up having to put a 1500 flywheel on the engine.  (The 
bolts are different sizes)  The slave cylinder did not have enough throw to
disengage the clutch.  I machined a new groove in the side of the slave cylinder
which allowed it to stick in farther (or is it further?).  All in all, there
is quite a bit of difference between the two and you probably will have serious
difficulties putting the earlier box in.

        2)  the torque tube we designed for the spitfire clamps onto the output
shaft of the transmission.  On the other end it uses the four bolts which hold
the diff into the front mounting bracket.  We are worried about fatigue on the 
output shaft casting and will probably make the clamp out of hard rubber.  It is
a large tube which completely surrounds the driveshaft.  The tube can pivot in
the vertical plane at the universal joints.  

  Trans                       ------______
   end     pivot ----> O                  ------__________
            ------------______                  o         Diffrential
                              ------______                   end

I don't know if that helps at all.  The idea is to isolate the torque of the
drivetrain from the frame of the car.  A mechanical engineer friend of mine has 
recently decided that he might want to scrap the current frame and start from
a space frame.  He thinks he can design one that will fit in the stock frame
position.  I just question whether he will be able to design one that I can 

        3)  I do not have one of the earlier spitfire transmissions laying 
in my parts pile(s).  ( for whoever asked about the laygear for his brother )

        4)  I am going to my parents (in chicago) over Easter, and I could look 
TR8 if anybody is interested.

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