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Re: Celebrating LBC'ness

To: mikej@apd.MENTORG.COM (Mike Johnson)
Subject: Re: Celebrating LBC'ness
From: medtron!pwcs.StPaul.GOV!phile@uunet.UU.NET (Philip J Ethier)
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 92 10:23:46 CST
mikej writes >

>Since Lotusess 

I think that would be "Lotuses".  It is actually in my spellchecker, and I 
didn't put it there.  "Lotusess" looks like one female Lotus.  So is it a Lotus 
when Ron drives it and a Lotusess when Karen drives it?  Never mind...


It seems to be fairly acceptable to refer to more than one Lotus in this 
fashion, even though it surely started as joke many years back.  "Spridget" was 
probably a joke at the start, and has become acceptable by the LBC crowd.

You could say "Lotus cars", but that could be confused with "Lotus Cars".

Reminds me of the comedian who was trying to figure out how to ask for two 
mammals from India known for killing snakes.  He finally settled on "Get me a 
Mongoose.  Hey, while you are there, get me another one."

>are so rare we generally stop and chat.

How do you think Nelson Yaple found this list?

>That is of course if they will keep running long enough after spotting each 
>other to get close enough to carry on a conversation.  Can you tell I still 
>haven't forgiven MYROPA for stranding me the other day?

I have not given mine a chance to strand me.  It lies, largely stripped, in the 

Phil Ethier, THE RIGHT LINE, 672 Orleans Street, Saint Paul, MN  55107-2676
h (612) 224-3105
w (612) 298-5324  (list goes here)
"The workingman's GT-40" - Anthony Colin Bruce Chapman

Login name: phile                       In real life: Philip J Ethier
Phone: 298-5324

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