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re: Clunks and drivelines

Subject: re: Clunks and drivelines
From: (sohl,william h)
Date: 30 Mar 1992 17:09 EST
>All the signs of bad U joints in a driveshaft.  The problem is that this is
>a TR7 and the driveline doesn't have replaceable U joints.
>What are my options?  Can the thing be fixed or do I need to replace the 
>driveline?  Can I bring the driveshaft to a driveshaft place and ask them to 
>cut it, put in real U joints and weld it back together?  Could the noise 
>be something other than my U joints?

I had Ted Schumacher make me up a completely new driveshaft for my
TR-8.  The driveshaft developed a terrible vibration and simply
had to be replaced.  NEW driveshafts if you can find them run $400
or so.  Ted's driveshaft which uses conventional U-joints (from a TR-6)
cost me about $180 with the shipping.  

Ted Scumacher can be reached at: TS Imported Automotive (419-384-3022).

Bill Sohl (K2UNK) BELLCORE (Bell Communications Research, Inc.)
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