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aftermarket cats

To: british-cars@hoosier
Subject: aftermarket cats
From: (James TenCate)
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 92 20:36:27 -0600
This may sound like a silly question but...

My TR8 needs new catalytic converters (they've got LOTS of miles on 'em
and their insides are really starting to rattle around a lot--its annoying).
In Texas, the cats HAVE to be there (even if they're non-functional).
Visual inspection only.  No sniff tests here in TX (yet).
I thought about punching the insides out but I've heard that's hard to do
(and probably illegal too).  TRF has cats but at like $600 a side,
no way!

Anyone know who makes aftermarket 'performance' catalytic converters?
I read in my "How to Build Horsepower" book (thanks John!) that the
newer cats have a decent free-flow honeycomb design.  Anyone seen any
of these?  Who can I call to ask?  Any and all comments welcome (mail
'em to me direct if you'd like).  Thanks.

Should I be asking this question to a real newsgroup?


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