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Mouse The Jag that will Roar

To: british-cars@hoosier
Subject: Mouse The Jag that will Roar
From: mikej@apd.MENTORG.COM (Mike Johnson)
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 92 14:09:47 PST
Well looks like I sold Mouse.  She is running well but not getting any closer
to pretty at my house.  So..

I sold her to an antique dealer that exports to the UK.  He plans to have the
body work done locally.  Claims to know a top notch painter.  Then ship her to
jolly old in a container, I suggested adding a storage bag.  He has already
called Connley (are they really in Wimbaldon Park?).
                                   ^^^^^ sp?
They will do the interior.  Replacing hides and carpet for ~1600 pounds.  You
guys in UK have any info on the likely hood of this?  Are the prices correct?

He plans to do the wood himself.  He has a press for redoing the veneer.  
Sounds like I would like to buy the car back myself when he is done.

My wife wants to use the money to upgrade to a newer Saab.  Tried to talk her
into a Jag Mk 2.  Didn't work.


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