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Re: oil loss

To: british-cars@hoosier
Subject: Re: oil loss
From: (Nigel Pearson)
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 92 12:59:28 EST
Dennis Wilson writes
> Larry said his car uses lots of oil when its past the low level.
> I think it may not loose more then but this rapid loss at the low level mark
> might be an artifact.  Level might go down but volume lost might occur at
> the same rate.  If the oil in the sump has less surface area at the low
> level then you could loose more level but the same amount of oil.  
> I done a very bad job of explaining this, but do you know what I mean??
> Cheers DW

      Dipstick -> o
        |~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~| <- Slow Oil loss level
Sump ->  \______  |     |
                \ |     | <- Fast Oil loss level

    Nigel Pearson, research dog's-body @ University of Technology, Sydney.

   AARNet:       Talk: (Sydney) 330 1799, fax 330 1807
   Hardcopy: Nigel Pearson, SOCS, UTS, PO Box 123, BROADWAY, Australia, 2007

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