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Adventure! & RE>absorbing spills

To: uunet!medtron!pwcs.StPaul.GOV!phile@uunet.UU.NET,
Subject: Adventure! & RE>absorbing spills
From: ssi!rmb@uunet.UU.NET (Robert M. Bownes)
Date: Thu, 12 Mar 92 17:58:23 CST
        [Various rice-hull stuff deleted.]

        We too use it working corners for SCCA events. It really tastes terrible
if you get even the least little bit in your mouth. And there  is only one thing
that will remove the taste. Beer. And I am *not* making this up.

        BC content:

        Well, Saturday is the big day. I pile all the stuff I need to survive
for a month into the Scout (along with tunguska, my trusty 2/120 workstation,
another story in itself...), load the Spit onto a rented trailer, throw
the fish into a cooler or 2, tools in the TR-6, and head east. 1170 miles in
2 days. Through Buffalo. It will be snowing, I just know it. A long trip on an 
untested motor. This should be interesting...Can't be worse than the drive 
back from Kty.

        The theory is that if the 6 breaks, we roll the Spit off the trailer,
put the 6 on, and drive the Spit. Whee!


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