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Re: "British Auto Specialists" ??

Subject: Re: "British Auto Specialists" ??
From: ssi!rmb@uunet.UU.NET (Robert M. Bownes)
Date: Tue, 10 Mar 92 11:27:19 CST
->In the TRF newsletter that I received last week, there is an ad for a place
->in Fort Worth, TX, called British Auto Specialists.  Some of the claims are
->"restoration and repair", "the Southwest's largest used parts inventory",
->and "currently parting out over 100 Triumphs".  Is anyone familiar with
->this place?  Are there any of you in the Fort Worth area who would like to 
->check it out?

        Yup, I know them well. They're very reliable, very reputable,
and extrodinarily helpfull. I can't say enough good about them. They do
parts orders by phone as well. They work on anything British, Austin to
Wollsley, but mostly TR's (They used to be called TR Sales), MGs, and Jags.
Jeff, the owner, was @ the VTR meet in Boulder a couple of years ago. And they
frequently have parts everyone else is backordered on. 

        If you do any business with them, tell Terry or Jeff I send my regards.
You see, I bought 'Lizbeth from them 7 years ago. 


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