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Re: CLANK IV - The project grows

To: uunet!!british-cars@uunet.UU.NET
Subject: Re: CLANK IV - The project grows
From: pacdata!dave@uunet.UU.NET (Dave Ambrose)
Date: Fri, 6 Mar 92 14:01:05 PST
>Subject: Re:  CLANK IV- The project grows
>Status: RO

>Jerry, while you are at the machine shop .... You do already have hardened
>valve seats installed in your head don't you?  If not, you might consider
>another bell ringer special.

        Yeowwzir!  This can be very pricey.  Fully half of my machine
shop bill from the b's rebuild was invested in the cylinder head.  

        I think there are some things to be considered before doing this
though.  Jerry,  how much will really drive this car?  If it's for the
occasional jaunt in the country,  I'm not sure it's worth the expense
right now.  However, if the valves are receeding into the head,  or need
major work now,  or I was going to drive the car a lot,  I'd certainly 
consider having the work done.  Given that the cylinder head is
relatively easy to get to,  the work could be deferred until more
money's available.

        Eventually,  the unleaded gas will surely cause the valve seats
to recede.  Mine did :-(.

        Dave Ambrose

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