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TR-4 (and 3) radiator hoses

To: passaretti@crd.GE.COM
Subject: TR-4 (and 3) radiator hoses
From: (sohl,william h)
Date: 29 Jan 1993 11:12 EST
>From!mrmike Thu Jan 28 18:05:15 1993
>Reply-To: Mike Passaretti <passaretti@crd.GE.COM>
>1) Radiator Hose set for TR4, 4 months, maybe more
>       Anybody know of a suitable replacement?  Vic Brit and
>       Moss are both NA on this too (Or were a few ago).  I
>       _really_ want to do the steering rack, and I'm not 
>       putting the old hoses back in.

The Jan-Feb 1985 English Channel newsletter of the Vintage Triumph
Register carried the following "helpful hint."

A ready replacement for the TR-3 (and probably TR-4) lower
radiator hoses can be found in any NAPA Auto Store.  
NAPA Radiator Hose #7600, when cut in half, will yield
a set of perfectly good hoses that replace the upper
and lower elbow hoses which connect the lower radiator outlet
to the metal pipe extension and then the pipe extension to
the water pump.

End of quoted material.....

This still leaves the top hose (a short stubby affair)
which may be available separetely or may be fairly
easy to find a replacement for since it is a straight
section of hose.

Hope this helps, and if you try it, let us know if the
NAPA part number is still valid.
This helpful hint brought to you complients of the Vintage
Triumph Register.
Bill Sohl (K2UNK) BELLCORE (Bell Communications Research, Inc.)
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