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Winter Parts, TR4 suspension bits etc.

Subject: Winter Parts, TR4 suspension bits etc.
From: ("Mr. Mike" Passaretti)
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 93 16:43:31 EST
Seeing the Winter Parts Sale brochure in my mailbox prodded me
to make my monthly check on how my backorders from last year
are doing.  

1) Radiator Hose set for TR4, 4 months, maybe more

        Anybody know of a suitable replacement?  Vic Brit and
        Moss are both NA on this too (Or were a few ago).  I
        _really_ want to do the steering rack, and I'm not 
        putting the old hoses back in.

2) Washer pump for TR4, 5-6 months, maybe more

        I had one from Moss, but it was NG.  Any suggestions?

3) Funky rubber grommets (inset center, thin walls. 
   Found on wiring and cables and such)

        They have no idea when, if ever, they will have more.
        I re-used the old ones.  I can live for now.

Maybe it's me, but I'm a little concerned that some of this
stuff is going to take 16-18 months (or more) from original
order to show up.  Anyone else chasing this, or are you all
smarter than me?
                                                        - MM

P.S. Didn't have time to redo the trunnions on Sonja, so I
bolted the new control arms and springs in with the old ones.
She has to roll for the movers to move her...

I was right, it's weird.  The "big offset" upper arms went in
the rear on one side and the front on the other.  Bentley says
they should both go in the rear.  Any enlightenment?  Have I
got two RH ones in there (No that wouldn't work...)?  Do I
just not understand Castor and Camber (The friendly ghosts)?
--           {whatever}!crdgw1!copernicus!passaret     {whatever}!crdgw1!copernicus!michelotti!mrmike

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