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Of Sprites and Rileys ....

Subject: Of Sprites and Rileys ....
From: "Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521" <>
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 93 13:45:31 PST
     Since I've been more of a lurker than a poster lately,
     I thought I'd take a bit of time out & update you all
     on my 1993 LBC progress.

     On Sprite (Redcar); with the Audi's clutch now
     requiring sufficient pedal travel such that I have to
     scoot the seat up just to get it into gear, something
     told me I ought to render Redcar roadworthy enough to
     commute in while the Audi's down for the count. The
     only real thing needing to be done was re-set the Weber
     so that it would return something better than 17mpg,
     and 4 fouled plugs/tankful. Then I took The Trip. 
          A sunny day and a jaunt to Morgan Hill to celebrate a
     friend successfully surviving his first child's first
     year were good enough reasons to make me think I ought
     to take the Sprite. I still thought so even when it started 
     getting cold and drizzly about half-way there, but I
     began having my doubts when the rear generator bearing
     started chattering. I was pretty sure this was a bad idea 
     when one of our drought-buster thunderstorms appeared, 
     and while  frantically attempting to put up a top that had 
     shrunk to the size of a dishrag, we managed to put a nice big
     tear right above my head. And then when driving home, with
     the generator making so much noise I was sure at any
     time I was going to see it jettison itself thru the
     bonnet, and a steady stream of water cascading thru the
     hole in the top, directly into my face, I was sure that
     driving the Sprite today had been a Really Bad Idea.  
          Thankfully we made it home, and managed to pull 
     off the generator before the rains came again. I'd 
     already had the rear bushing handy, so I just pulled
     the end caps off and replaced the bush. Re-installing
     the generator the next day however, yield quiet
     operation but no charging. Thinking the voltage
     regulator simply wasn't closing, I popped off the cover
     and closed the points. SSSSZZZZZZSSSSS!!!!! (the car 
     said as smoke was released from its generator) 
     WhaaaaAAA !!!!???? (I said as I frantically began
     tapping the regulator to unstick whatever I had stuck).
     And then the smoke stopped, and there was much
     rejoicing. Only when I attempted to start the car and
     have nothing happen did I get a sick feeling that I had
     completely melted down the new wiring harness. A few
     prayers and feverish studying of a schematic later I
     realized I'd only burned on the the tracer contacts on
     the regulator. I jumpered it and it started up. 
          Leaving this alone for awhile I attacked the ill
     Weber. In the short course of an evening, myself as
     grunt and Neil Senz manning the Exhaust Gas Analyser we
     managed to bring the emissions to acceptable levels,
     but as of yet haven't logged enough miles to check
          Back to the generator, I then checked the output
     as the manual says, and noted no voltage at the
     terminals. Daunted by my recent streak of electrical
     bad luck, I deposited it on Frank Battaglia's doorstep 
     who promised it good as new within a week. True to his
     word I retrieved it today, diagnosed with a bad
     armature and a grounded brush. I think that was $60
     well spent. 
          So tonight I'll put it back on (I'm getting very
     proficient at this), swap regulators, and cross my
     fingers that I don't screw anything else up.
          Since this has gotten a bit long as usual, I'll
     save the Riley report for another time.


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  • Of Sprites and Rileys ...., Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521 <=