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Re: Hi and I'm gonna brag

Subject: Re: Hi and I'm gonna brag
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 93 08:43:54 pst
> Date:     Fri, 15 Jan 1993 16:41:25 -0800
> From: T.J. Noto <>
> Subject:  Hi and I'm gonna brag
> To:
> As you may or may not know. . pre-68 o/d's are hard to find due to a marketing
> ploy by BMC.  Turns out that the Austin Healey 3000 came standard with 
> and they didn't want to cross boundaries by selling it as an option to the B
> which was supposed to be a lesser car!!  So early o/d's are fairly uncommon!

T.  J., there must have been some exceptions to this because the '61
3000 I once owned did not have overdrive.  In fact, when I bought it I
was pretty ignorant about Healeys and didn't even know overdrive was
available.  My reasons for buying the car was preferring the styling to
the TR3 (which I was also considering) and wanting something with more
power than my MG TD (which gave me vast array of cars to select from).
My Healey also had disk wheel rather than wires so Healey must have had
a low end version to appeal to cheapskates like myself.


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