> Now I feel like I should have done the wishbone bushings and was
> wondering if those are replaceable and if harder bushing (nylatron,
> etc.) are available for midgets like for B's.
You may want to reconsider using the plastic bushings versus the
standard rubber ones. It depends on your driving habits. I used the
plastic bushings on my Midget, then proceeded to do lots of hard/endurance
road rallies. After 1 year I noticed that the metal tags where the A-arms
bolts to the chassis were developing cracks. I changed back to the rubber
bushes and the cracks have not re-appeared.
> Also, has anyone used Apple Hydraulics to recondition kingpins. I
Yup, have used them several times, with rebuilding kingpins and A-arms,
never had a problem with them, good turn around time.