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Club info wanted, Nashville area

Subject: Club info wanted, Nashville area
From: (Greg Bengeult)
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 93 00:09:12 PST
A good friend of mine who really wishes he owned a Triumph had to relocate
to Nashville last year.  He is in the market for an LBC of his own, but in
the mean time, he would like to get together with like-minded souls for
advice and sympathy.  Do any of you SOL's have knowledge of a Triumph club
or generic LBC club in the Nashville area that I could recommend to him?

On another note, I have just completed tearing my '71 TR6 down to the bare
body shell/chassis, courtesy of a whole week off between Christmas and New
Year's.  It goes to the paint shop on Saturday, and should be back in my
garage within 2 weeks.  It was a bit scary to start ripping major components
off, but I'm very excited about getting it painted since the current paint
job is described by a friend of mine as "20/20" (looks good from 20 feet
or at 20 MPH).  It will be stripped to bare metal, epoxy-primered, and
then re-sprayed with polyurethane in its original Sapphire Blue.  Of course,
in the process of taking at apart I managed to find an enormous number of
little things that need to be attended to before reassembly (can you say
"shipfitters disease"?  I thought you could!).  I hope to have it back on
the road within 3 months, but I __MUST__ have it together by August for
the VTR National in Arlington, WA.  Lots of fun times ahead, it would seem.

Greg Bengeult                   // //|
MailStop 9E-59                TEL: (206) 657-9430                    // //||
P.O. Box 3999                 FAX: (206) 657-8903                \\ // //=||=
Seattle, WA  98124-2499                                           \// //  ||

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