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Re: Painting Rostyle Wheels

To: british-cars@hoosier
Subject: Re: Painting Rostyle Wheels
From: (Carl Stern)
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 91 11:16:34 MDT
   I though about repainting my Rostyles this winter.  I noticed there is 
a pronounced ridge between the silver area and the recessed black area.
I planned on doing the silver part first and not worrying about the overspray.
Then when it was dry, I would cover it all with masking tape.  Then I would
trace around the ridge with a razor knife, leaving the black area exposed for
paint.  Of course I omitted the appropriate preparation steps.  Moss sells
the correct color silver paint, I think the black is less critical.
   I don't know how well the masks work.  They are the shape of the silver part
of the wheel.  I don't see how they would seal tight enough to keep the black 
from bleeding over, or from getting a nice clean line.
   I've seen Rostyles painted all silver or all black and I think it ruins
them.  You lose the distinctive look since the contrast is gone.


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