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Painting Rostyle Wheels

To: @auschs, @ibmchs.UUCP,
Subject: Painting Rostyle Wheels
Date: Fri, 18 Oct 91 16:36:57 CDT

Has anyone out there attempted to paint their rostyle wheels?
Mine are looking pretty grim. And because of the two tones (black and grey)
I was wondering if any one had attempted this and how successful they were.

I'm no genius when it comes to painting. I can tear most things apart
and put them back together with or without a manual. But painting is not
a specialty with me. I'm along with most two or three year olds and
finger painting :)

I don't have an air compressor, so that's out of the question, but I may
be able to convince on of the shops that has their own paint booth setup
to rent it to me for a short period. I talked to Jags etc here in Austin
and they said they had a mask that they ordered at one time and it wore
out and didn't work that well to begin with. They now just paint them
all black and add a new trim ring.

So any thoughts or suggestions are appreciated :)

Thanx in advance,


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