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Re: "It's not weird, it's just British"

To:, british-cars@hoosier
Subject: Re: "It's not weird, it's just British"
From: garnett@theory.TC.CORNELL.EDU (Roger Garnett)
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 1991 09:42:21 EDT
On Oct 17, 10:47am, wrote:
} I'll be shopping for a new fuel pump after all.  (Danny, maybe you should

SO, why don't you clean out the rest of the one you've got? Which you 
should have done while you were there before... There's a rubber diaphram,
which could be tired or sticking. I vote for tiredm as that would make the
plunger not travel far enough, which affects the points switching on
and off.
} (Oh, we also found out why the race car wouldn't run over 4500 RPM at
} Laguna Seca in the Labor Day race.  Write if you want to know.)

You bet. I've been waiting for this one!

Roger -back from a religous MG experience- Garnett

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