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Help with (gulp) American Parts !!

Subject: Help with (gulp) American Parts !!
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 91 08:11:49 -0500
>Hate to shamelessly abuse the mailing list for this but, would one of you
>west coast britcar people be willing to help locate a few chrome parts for
>my '66 Olds Toronado?  Thanks to a paint job this summer the Toro has
>entered the "can we remember how to put this back together" stage, where
>the '65 Spitfire is still stuck in the "how much more do I need to take
>apart" phase of life.  
>I would like very much to locate a pair of rust free bumpers (read: NOT
>FROM ILLINOIS) and perhaps a few other minor things for the Toro. Simply
>having a pair of eyes on the shipping end to look over the parts before I
>blow  money on "sight-unseen" items would go along way toward reducing the
>paranoia involved, not to mention appreciation for suggestions of which
>yards to stay away from.
>If someone outside of the rust belt is willing to lend a hand, respond off
>the british-cars mail list to:
>Thanks, and again I apologize for the non-brit request. However, I would
>add (to make this have at least some bit of relevance) that I am still
>looking for a bonnet and passenger side door for the '65 Spitfire.

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