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Re: plastic windows

To: (Jim Muller)
Subject: Re: plastic windows
From: "Christopher A. Kent" <>
Date: Fri, 18 Oct 1991 10:43:01 -0700
There's one common trick, and a couple of repairs.

The trick is to fold a towel in with the top when you lower it, to
avoid contact with the window (either from the top "wings" or the
tonneau cover). This also helps with the fine scratches caused by the
dust that inevitably gets trapped. (It sounds like this is what's
causing the microscratches you're seeing.)

TRF sells a two-stage spray-on plastic polish by Novus. I've tried it
on a couple of things, and it seems to work; I haven't tried it on a window yet.

The other solution is to buy one of the five- or seven-stage polishing
kits sold by aircraft supply houses; these are used to polish cockpit
windows. They consist of successively finer grits, require laborious
effort, and do a stellar job. I'm pretty sure that Aircraft Spruce &
Supply would have this.

Nothing will fix the yellowing that strikes the plastic, but you didn't
complain of that.


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