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Re: Prior owner mods

To: british-cars@hoosier
Subject: Re: Prior owner mods
From: pwv@tc.fluke.COM (Pat Vilbrandt)
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 91 22:40:49 PDT
>So, people, what's the most off the wall mod you've seen on your
>newly-purchased old car?
>   - Jerry

How 'bout the previous bone-head having hacked a hole in the bonnet when
he couldn't get the release to work?

   Pat Vilbrandt       John Fluke Mfg. Co., Inc.        Everett, Washington USA
UUCP: pwv@tc.fluke.COM  or: { uunet, uw-beaver, sun, microsoft }!fluke!pwv
ARPA: fluke!pwv@uw-beaver.ARPA

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