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Re: Dickn's Battery Bozo

To: (Jerry Kaidor)
Subject: Re: Dickn's Battery Bozo
From: Dick Nyquist <>
Date: Thu, 3 Oct 91 15:44:15 PDT

|         Reply to:   Dickn's Battery Bozo
| It's very easy to convert those older britcars to negative ground.  You just
| swap the battery leads, repolarize the generator, and swap the coil primary
| leads.  I've done this to both of my cars.  Perhaps the guy wasn't such a bozo
| after all?
|       - Jerry
| p.s.  If you have an ammeter, you swap its leads;  otherwise it reads 

Jerry,...honest.... I didn't mean to imply that ALL folks who reversed polarity 
are Bozos  ;^)

........but I was there and this guy hadn't a clue, he didn't do it 
he just didn't know there was another way.


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