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Procedure posting?

To: sol@hoosier
Subject: Procedure posting?
From: mjb@hoosier (Mark Bradakis)
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 91 11:13:45 -0600
Those of you on the autocross list have seen this already, so feel free to
read no further.  The rest of you may want to consider having this sent out
on occasion to keep problems under control.  Not that 60K of desk trinkets
and Emma Peel caused any greif for the sol digest, mind you.  It was written
for the autocross list, but there isn't that much that needs to be changed to
tailor it for this list.

Let me know what you think.  Personally I'd like to see all new subscribers
get this as part of their welcome message.


  Mail for the list gets sent to hundreds of people, traveling through many
hundreds, if not a thousand or more, computers.  This may take days to
actually occur, as some sites still use once a day polling to transmit mail.
Given the current state of technology it is not improbable that one of those
links will exhibit some sort of problem.  When you post a message, you may get
back error messages.  This DOES NOT mean you need to resend it.  What it does
mean is that everybody got it except for maybe one or two folks.  Don't repost
things unless you are absolutely, positively sure it did not reach anyone on
the list.

Also remember that not everyone has the latest and greatest technology at
their fingertips.  Keep your text limited to lines less than 80 characters
long.  Also remember that the latest and greatest text formatters, picture
editors and such may be common, but not universal.  I know ASCII drawings
leave a lot to be desired, but that's what we are all stuck with for now.

Try to keep the size of your submissions under control.  Post writeups
of events you attend, but don't describe every cone placement, every run
and every competitor in detail.  Keep it short and interesting, and only
elaborate on the necessary points.  The same sort of guidelines apply to
technical postings.  This list generates a lot of traffic, and keeping the
volume down will keep folks happier.  If folks have to wade through pages
and pages of stuff they don't find interesting, they won't be happy with
you, or this list.  And we do want folks to enjoy themselves.  And avoid
long and usually less than funny signatures on the end of your mail.
You shouldn't need a dozen lines to tell folks who you are.

Also, instead of sending three messages of one sentence each, try to send
one message with three sentences in it.  Same information content, it just
puts a little less load on the system.  And if you are replying to a message,
use discretion in how much of the original message you quote.  Forwarding a
complete message only to add a single sentence or two of your own doesn't
make you look too smart.  Folks will delete the message they think they've
already seen long before they get to your comments.  And speaking of trying
to look smart, read over your text at least once to catch the obvious editor
errors, spelling errors and such.

You may also hear about Team.Net stickers on the list.  These are usually
available from mjb, send mail to him for details.  Shirts and jackets are
a specialized item, which may or may not be available at any given time.

Enjoy yourself, and keep the revs up!

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