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Re: More hood/top repair Q's

To: mit-eddie!! (barry klawans)
Subject: Re: More hood/top repair Q's
From: mit-eddie!!sfisher@EDDIE.MIT.EDU
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 90 14:10:00 PDT
>Also, how hard is it to replace some of the snaps that are riveted to the
>car?  I'm missing two.  The snaps and rivits are easy to come by, but I
>haven't any experience using rivits.  How hard is it to replace them yourself?

Piece of cake.  You need a rivet gun, which is the hard
part -- costs about eight bucks at Sears.  Be sure, though,
that you get the right anvil for it -- that's the thing that
pushes the rivet out onto the surface it's supposed to connect.
You need to make sure that the nose of the rivet goes into
the hole in the snap.  (Such an anvil is also useful for
attaching the aluminum retaining strip that holds the rubber
gasket to the header piece on some folding tops.)

Anyway, once you've got a rivet gun, attaching pop rivets
is about as hard as stapling.

Scott Fisher

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