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RE: morals vs. money

To: amc-gw!british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: RE: morals vs. money
From: uunet!morpho!alan@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Alan Dahl)
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 90 09:26:04 PDT
>>i've been trying (unsuccessfully) to sell my '70 tr6 for about a month
>>now :(.  i have gotten almost zero responses, even though i put an ad
>>in one of them fancy shmancy photo-ad type things.  well, a guy came out
>>sunday and seemed very interested and said he'd call me back.  he called
>>back yesterday and offerred $800 below my asking price of $4600.  i'm
>>not that desperate for the money, so i said no.  well, he just called me
>>back and said he'd pay the full price.  normally this would make me a

Does he want a "perfect" '78 Midget for only $3400?  :-) :-) :-)

>>happy person, except for the fact that he's one of those scum-sucking
>>export leeches that's gonna take the car to europe and sell it for a
>>profit.  i know that there are less and less LBC's on the road in this
>>right now the money is trying to overwhelm the part of my conscience that
>>says "don't do it, you'll regret it later."  have any of you ever sold a
>>car knowing that it would leave the u.s.?  did you have massive guilt later?
>> am i overreacting?

As long as the guy isn't planning on running it off a cliff or
smashing it with a train for a movie, I say sell.  Would it worry you if
the car was going to Oregon?, California?, BC?.

I think you should count yourself lucky that he matched your
asking price.  It also seems like the market for American LBC's in
Europe is softening, so he may not make the profit he thinks unless
he already has a buyer lined up.

>>aka {uunet|uw-beaver|decwrl}!microsoft!timke
      ___    __    __    __          __      Alan Dahl
    / / /  /  /  /__/  /__/  /__/  /  /      North American MORPHO Systems
   / / /  /__/  / \   /     /  /  /__/       1145 Broadway Plaza
                                             Tacoma, WA. 98402, USA
   PH:  1 (206) 593-8021
   FAX: 1 (206) 591-8856             We shall not cease from exploration
   ...amc-gw!morpho!alan             And the end of all our exploring
                                     Will be to arrive where we started
Standard disclaimer applies...       And know the place for the first time.
                                         - T.S. Eliot

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